Monday, March 11, 2013

Athletic Clothing Care MUST HAVES

Training for kind any race or competition takes a lot of time and effort as well as plenty of training gear! My days of running, swimming and biking have put both my body and my stuff through the ringer. I wanted to share with you some of my favorites that help lessen the impact on your body and your gear.

Dry Fit Fabrics, the blessing and curse of modern technology. Most people work out in them AND discover the same few issues. . . 1. Smell 2. Wear Out and/or Pilling. To help combat this issue, I use a solid method for cleaning that works AND keeps clothes fresh longer!

WASH- After sorting athletic clothes from the regular wash, I turn every INSIDE OUT. This helps keep the decals/zippers and reflective material safe and protected. Post sort, I wash in warm on the delicate cycle using Charles Soap

Soap leaves scented additives behind on your clothes to make them smell great. I have found that this simply mask the nasty odder without addressing this issue. Charles Soap was created for retailers to use to remove the harmful additives left of clothes during their creation. ALSO, it is flame retardant.

TREAT THOSE STAINS- Get some gel on your shirt? Get those stains out and fast! I use OxyClean and it rocks.

DRY SMART- I don't dry ANY of my goodies in the dryer! Use a drying rack instead to help save your garments as well as cut down on electricity.

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